Watch Window

This toolbox is used to add variables to a dedicated Watch Window to view its value in real time.

Watch Window

Figure 1: Watch Window

    • PLC variables viewed in the Watch Window are saved as a part of the project.
      • This means that the next time you open the project, those variables are pre-loaded in the Watch Window.
      • This does not apply to AKD variables, which are not saved with the project.
    • While variables may be changed, locked, or unlocked, parameters are not.

Multiple Watch Windows

Use the KAS-IDE to group several variables in a single Watch Window.

  • A maximum of 10 different Watch Windows are allowed.
  • Each window is shown as a tab with its own label.

Watch Window toolbar



Add a variable with the PLC Variable Selector.

Remove a variable.

Move up the selected variable.

Move down the selected variable.

Add a new Watch Window.

Each window is shown as a tab with its own label.

A maximum of 10 tabs is allowed.

Remove the selected watch window.

  • Use drag-and-drop from the Dictionary or the PLC editors to directly add an existing variable in the Watch Window.

Variable Information

Each variable in the table widget has this information:




  • Lists the variables as well as structure, arrays, and expressions.
  • Double-click a variable (or press the F2 key when the variable is selected) to edit its name (except for structure and array members).


  • When the application is running, this is the variable or expression's value.
  • Double-click a value to force modification of the selected variable.

The contextual menu allows you to:

  • Add a variable.
  • Remove a variable.
  • Remove all variables.